I heart… Saul Bass

Ok, so I have been finding it hard to find time to blog lately, but this morning in my studio I came across the Saul Bass Google and was reminded how much I love the guys work, and how I think this is a pretty cool little tribute piece.

Basically if you are interested in design and know nothing about Saul Bass then you should go check his stuff out. I used to really want to design title sequences, and American graphic designer Saul Bass has designed brilliant ones for the likes of Hitchcock, Scorcese etc.

Here are some of my favourites, and if you like what you see go and find out more about this amazingly talented man.

‘Casino’ was the last sequence he did before he died in 1996.

I also really like the following title sequence to ‘Catch me if you can’ which as you can see is heavily Bass influenced.

So today when I saw this google tribute it reminded me of his amazing work, and I think their tribute is pretty neat to a man who has created some of the best work in cinema in the 20th Century and influenced so many.

If you want to know more about Saul Bass look here. You can buy his Children’s book ‘Henri’s walk to Paris’ here or this book all about his work.